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Nomadix Bandwidth Management Products

Nomadix Alloc8 - X6000 DPI Access Gateway


The explosion of mobile devices is driving a wireless-everywhere expectation. With many users carrying multiple Wi-Fi-enabled devices and expecting Internet access for each one, it becomes crucial to manage bandwidth properly. This keeps visitors happy and coming back. So what is bandwidth management and how is it achieved?

Whether your business is a hotel, restaurant, sports arena, transportation center or the like, bandwidth management allows you to control the amount of bandwidth available to your patrons. Used correctly, bandwidth management ensures that each user receives a fair share of bandwidth. The need for bandwidth management is all the more important for locations that provide free public Internet access, because the volume of users is typically greater as opposed to locations that charge for the access.

Nomadix's solutions:

Nomadix products enable you to better manage and control bandwidth. Nomadix gateways provide the on-ramp to service visitors, while the Nomadix Internet Traffic Optimizer (NITO) boosts available bandwidth and allows IT managers to review traffic patterns and content usage for intelligent management and allocation. The combination of the two appliances ensures fair and fast bandwidth for public access to keep Internet traffic flowing, leading to an improved user experience.

There are two types of bandwidth management: per device and per application.